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Drežnica, heaven on earth located between Čabulja and Čvrsnica

If you love untouched nature, endless green landscapes bordered by white-gray rocks of mountain peaks, numerous springs, a river whose crystal-clear water tempts you to bend down and drink..., head for Drežnica. Somewhere halfway between Jablanica and Mostar, you will be greeted by the Branilaca Drežnice Bridge and from there it will take you five…

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Blagaj, the tourist pearl of Herzegovina

No story about tourism and the beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina would be complete without mentioning Blagaj. This oasis of peace and natural harmony is located three kilometers from Mostar Airport. The first indirect written sources about the cities of Zahumlje, including Blagaj, come from the "Writings about Nations" of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus,…

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Herzegovina as a perfect destination for digital nomads

In an idyllic location, along the Trebižat River near Čapljina, as part of the RECOOPER project, which is co-financed by the European Union and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the comprehensive EU4BusinessRecovery project, an open-air round table was held in July on the potential benefits of the arrival of…

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Cycling tourism can give an additional boost to Herzegovinian tourism

Herzegovina has huge potentials for cycling tourism and in the past ten years many associations, institutions and individuals are working hard to use this potential and make Herzegovina a top destination for lovers of recreational and professional cycling. According to the president of the "Herzegovina Bike" association, Toni Zorić, the idea is to arrange cycling in…

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Vjetrenica – the most beautiful cave in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  Vjetrenica is the most beautiful cave in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the municipality of Ravno, in the very south of Herzegovina. Because of the proximity of Dubrovnik and the Adriatic Sea, it is the main tourist destination of this part of our country. It is located on the edge of Popovo polje, and…

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A great tourist potential: Surreal beauty of Ramsko Lake

Ramsko Lake or the pearl of Herzegovina, as the locals call it, is a great tourist potential of our country. Its maximum length is 12 kilometers, the area is about 1,500 hectares, the deepest point is about 95 meters, while the oscillations of water go up to 55 meters. Ramsko Lake is located in the upper…

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Blagaj – Magnet for tourists from all over the world

No story of the tourism and beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina would be complete without mentioning Blagaj. This oasis of peace and natural harmony is located three kilometers from Mostar Airport. The greatest attention of visitors is attracted by the spring of the river Buna, where there is a mysterious building - dervish' tekke, which…

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Herzegovina Wine Route: Wine – Time Travel

The Wine Road of Herzegovina is a tourist product consisting of the richness and beauty of pure nature - the specificities of the wine-growing area, traditions, cultural and historical sights. It extends from Ljubuski in the west to Trebinje in the east. Associated entities of Herzegovina Wine Route offer autochthonous products, especially autochthonous wines Žilavka and…

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Bike trip that leaves you breathless

Thanks to the project "Cycling through history - Revitalization of the old narrow-gauge railway Ćiro", this old railway line, which is a monument of life in the Adriatic hinterland, is once again available to the public. The project was completed late last year, and its realization fixed and marked bicycle route that stretches 165 kilometers in…

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Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Ismar Šmigalović
Redakcija: Merima Čustović, Amela Sijerčić
DTP: Vildana Sofić
Telefon: +387 33 944 379
Marketing: +387 33 944 206; +387 33 944 207

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