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Jablanica: Clean rivers, beautiful lakes and untouched mountains

Jablanica municipality has very good natural conditions for development of tourism. Jablaničko and Grabovičko lakes, Prenj and Čvrsnica mountains, rivers Neretva, Doljanka and Šanica especially stand out. Rivers Doljanka and Šanica are very interesting for sport fishing and camping in nature, while Prenj and Čvrsnica re placed 2,000 meters above the sea level and as such pose a challenge to many hikers and lovers of adrenaline sports such as mountaineering, skiing, mountain biking …

Grabovičko Lake and Neretva River provide opportunities for sport fishing, and these sites are very suitable for kayaking as well. On the north-west slopes of Čvrsnica there is Blidinje Nature Park, which for the most part incorporates Jablanica Municipality. Within the park there is already well known ski resort with accompanying facilities for individual and collective accommodation capacities.

The rich content of Risovac and Blidinje is filled with a wide variety of plants, ranging from Mediterranean to Highland. In Blidinje Nature Park there are a large number of endemic species, from mushrooms to Pinus heldreichii, or Bosnian pine, which in this area has the largest complex in Europe. Moreover, in the area of ​​Jablanica there are sites of natural heritage where the uniqueness of Prenj gorge, arch Hajdučka vrata as a monument of nature, Vrelo Perutac (spring) and the source of Mlinište are distinguished by its beauty.

Numerous travel writers have noticed something that distinguishes Jablanica from other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and these unique sights have always been given special attention – unmistakable natural beauty, comfort, tranquility, and hospitality of the people, as well as the uniqueness of Herzegovinian houses made of stone.

Via Dinarica is an adventure, mounteering and hiking trail that links the attractions of the seven countries through which the mountain range of the Dinaric Alps stretches: from Slovenia to Albania. The Bijela staza (White Trail) represents the main path extending along the entire length of Via Dinarica, and through Jablanica White Trail connects Prenj and Čvrsnica mountains.

In addition, Jablanica is abundant with numerous cultural and historical monuments, which have been proclaimed the National Monuments of Culture by the Commission for the Preservation of National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the complex “Battle of the Neretva” with the museum and the four necropolis of tombstones definitely stand out. One of them, necropolis containing 150 tombstones, named Dugo polje on Blidinje, is on UNESCO World Heritage List since last year.

From the metal age there are: Stuparina-Dragan village, Gradište-Ostrožac, Križ-Jablanica, the Glogošnica fortress, and the fortress and the town of Mrakovo. From the ancient times there are remains of Roman buildings (villae rusticae) on four sites of the former Ostrožac, as well as valuable remains of tombstones. From the period of late antiquity and middle ages there are fortifications and the town-administrative headquarters of the municipality, which included villages of Ostrožac, Radešina, Seljani, Ribići, Papratsko and Dobrigošće, on the rampart between Ribić and Ostrožac, Herceg Stjepana Vukčić Kosača tower from 1441 on Borovac, Gradac at the mouth of Rama …

Before the war, the memorial complex “Battle of the Neretva” was known and visited destination by many citizens of the former Yugoslavia and Europe. What is Jablanica famous for in the world is the Battle for the Wounded, to which this complex is dedicated, and its most capitalistic and most attractive exhibit is the “Drenched Bridge”, which will soon be revitalized through cooperation of the Jablanica Municipality and Elektroprivreda BiH, as well as the parcel space on both sides Neretva.

Around 15,000 registered guests visits this destination annually, while the number of unregistered guests is much higher. This statement says that it is worth paying special attention to this institution so that it can exploit this resource in the future.

Four of the most famous necropolis, the total number of necropolis in Jablanica is 43, are located on Risovac and Sovići and represent an indispensable part of Jablanica’s tourist offer. The vicinity of the sea, the position between the two centers: Sarajevo and Mostar, and the proximity of Međugorje, provides Jablanica a real basis for the development of transit tourism, but also the organization of the tourist cooperation of Northern Herzegovina with the municipalities of Prozor-Rama and Konjic.

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