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“The Loudest Silence”: The combination of symphony and metal in the Bosnian way

With the members of the band “The Loudest Silenceā€œ, we met on the mountain Bjelasnica where they recorded the video for the song “Wake up in my dream”. A cold wind and a light snow did not prevent singer Taida Nazraic from walking barefoot and in a thin dress until the camera man was looking for the best shot.

“The Loudest Silence” is a symphonic metal band that combines classic and metal music. It is recognizable by opera vocals, emotional lyrics, energetic riffs and bouncing live gigs. The band has five members – Taida Nazraic vocal, Denial Catovic keyboards, Mirza Coric guitar, Dzemal Bijedic bass guitar and Damir Sinanovic Bumbar drums.

Participation at Wacken

– Taida Nazraic and Denijal Catovic have been playing together since 2006, and they created a band called The Loudest Silence in Sarajevo in 2010 when they came to the study there – Dzemal Bijedic, the current bassist of the band, tells us.

The band acted, and even started recording the demo in 2012, but at the beginning of 2013, Denial and Taida were again left without musicians. Since they recorded the demo with Mirza Coric in his studio, they quickly figured out that they could continue cooperation with him being their a guitarist.

– Mirza invited me, because I played in several bands before in Germany, and of course, we know each other for years, especially through the radio show The Aebyss, which we still run on Radio Sarajevo, and I accepted invitation because I was involved in the band’s work. Damir Sinanovic Bumbar is our good friend and excellent drummer who joined us at the end of 2014 – says Bijedic.

With their gigs, they attracted the attention of many and participated in the region’s largest metal festival “Metaldays”, which is held in Tolmin, Slovenia. After that, they applied for Wacken Metal Battle, which is one type of ticket for perhaps the biggest metal festival in the world, the big Wacken Open Air.

-Wacken Metal Battle is held at the state and then at the regional level. Winning at both levels ensured our participation in Wacken. It really matters when you play at a festival that’s visited by 100,000 people, and you come from B&H. Of course, there is a dose of patriotism and when someone asks who you are and what you are and from where you come from you say that with full heart ā€“ he says proudly.

The Wacken performance opened doors for bigger and more serious gigs, they even had an offer for a tour in Canada, but they deliberately refused and decided to record an album because they said they wanted to make a good album after which they would do tours.

– Most of the time after Wacken we spent preparing the album, because we wanted to do the work that market in B&H and the region did not hear in this production. We spent a lot of time researching and studying everything because we worked without an external budget, since we do not have sponsors for now. We’ve all financed ourselves, and we’re aiming at the sound that has to deal with world standards – Dzemal said, adding:

– There are Sarajevo, Zagreb, Belgrade rock schools, but never have anyone made an album with so much of symphonic music that you have to hear, and on the other hand, you do not lose the hardness. We recorded drums in BHRT studio, all other instruments at Gordan Dizdarevic Grk’s Studio G, and we did the complete master and mix by ourselves, with Mirza Coric in MC Studio, who in the meantime attended many courses and schools to learn everything and thus most contributed to the quality of production. I think that we have a very good album that we finished in late July – he says.

The Night of Museums

According to him, since they have such material in their hands, they wanted to find partners to publish the album “Aesthetic Illusion”.

– We do not want to go only online, so we talked to a lot of foreign record companies. Everyone gave us positive comments, even those who eventually did not want to work with us. And we have rejected some for various reasons. Now we have focused on one solution and the album will be released in January 2018. In the meantime, we are working on promotion of the album, so we recorded two videos, which will probably be finished until the release of the album – Dzemal emphasizes.

– As for the performances, I would like to single out two gigs that are different from the rest, at “The Night of Museums” in Sarajevo. It was a project with other artists, ballet performers and members of the orchestra. It’s something completely different, but again with the music of the band “The Loudest Silence” – he says.

When asked whatā€™s it like to play metal music in B&H and whether there is enough audience, he says that there is audiences in B&H, but it is not easy to get to it.

– One of those to be blames for this is media, with some exceptions like you; they do not give enough attention to local bands, let alone metal music. Audience in B&H exists, but there is nowhere to see, read and listen to what we are doing. We fight through social networks to get to them, and that’s the only thing we can do. The scene is in a bad situation, but not only in B&H, but also in the region – emphasizes Bijedic.

– We have many guests on the album. Ajla Subasic plays flute on two songs, Tatjana Romanic plays viola and violin, Gordan Dizdarevic Grk is guest with acoustic guitar, and Muris Varajic plays solo in one song. We are most proud of the fact that Mark Jansen, front man of the band Epica, sang part of the song “Gallery Of Wonders”. Mark Jansen and Epica are absolute authority when it comes to symphonic metal, and to be guest on our album he had two conditions, that he liked the song and that the production was excellent. When he accepted it, we knew we were on the right track – said Dzemal.

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