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Telephone numbers of all taxi companies in one application

One of the biggest challenges when traveling to another country or city where you have never been to is finding a reliable taxi and driver who will, especially when you are a foreigner, take you to the desired destination at the standard cost of transportation.

Therefore, the software company Klika from Sarajevo has designed the application Weelz, that is, the phone book with the telephone numbers of the taxi companies in your vicinity.

– This resolves the problem of the lack of correct numbers of trusted taxi operators or numbers of different taxi operators in general, as well as searching for numbers on the Internet to get a taxi in your vicinity. It also offers you more options, ranked according to user ratings – said Latifa Imamovic, Marketing Manager of the company.

She explained that Weelz uses two main parameters when ranking taxi companies: current user location and previous user ratings.

– After listing the taxi company’s options for the location of the user, the user has the opportunity to see which companies or individual drivers are best rated and call one or more offered numbers for a particular taxi – Imamovic adds.

The application currently contains the numbers of taxi companies and individual drivers in Sarajevo, Mostar, Zenica, Banja Luka, and a total of more than 20 cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia. In addition, the application includes taxi numbers in Paris, Vienna, Athens and Istanbul, so you have reliable and real taxi numbers in one application when traveling abroad.

Currently, users are not able to enter the numbers of taxi companies or taxi operators themselves, so the database is gradually being updated by application administrators, but the development of this option is the plan, since Weelz application is designed as a tool complemented by its content users.

– An integrated taxi telephone directory, application Weelz, was created within the KLIKA PRACTICE project of the company Klika, during which students in the field of information technology and computer science, as well as engineers without work experience, had the opportunity to work on real projects, gain valuable work experience, learn, and with the help of mentors and employees of the company, make applications available for widespread use – says Imamovic.

It was during the two-month practice this summer that we developed the Weelz application that is already available for free download on the App Store and the Google Play Store, for Android and iOS devices.

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