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Sanski Most: Beautiful as a dream, rich in nature and history

Sanski Most is a pearl of the beautiful part of Bosnia and Herzegovina called Krajina, both in terms of natural resources and cultural and historical sights. That’s why it rightly has the word “dream-san” in its name, because the scenes you will see there look just like the most beautiful dream.

What sets Sanski Most apart in the first place in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina is actually the fact that it is the only city that lies on as many as nine rivers – Sana, Sanica, Dabar, Zdena, Bliha, Majdanska rijeka, Japra, Sasinka and Kozica, and several sinkhole.

Sanski Most is also the only town in Bosnia and Herzegovina that has a mosque with four minarets from the 16th century, named after Sandžak-bey Hamza-bey Biharović. It is located near Sana, in the heart of the city, from where you can go rafting on the river.

One of the biggest attractions of Sanski Most is connected to one of its rivers – Bliha. It is a famous waterfall 14 kilometers from the city, where Bliha, after 23 kilometers of flow, falls down a humped rock 56 meters high, and looks as if it is jumping. Therefore, this waterfall is called Bliha’s Jump. It is one of the highest waterfalls in BiH and a protected natural monument.

On the hill above the village of Donji Kamengrad nestles the medieval town of Kamengrad from the 14th century, which today is a national monument in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A legend is told about it today that the Ottomans besieged it for 11 years and only conquered it when Sultan Fatih came to the battlefield with his army.

Near the town there is a healing water – spa Sanska Ilidža, whose water is slightly radioactive and contains rare minerals.

About twenty kilometers from the city, in the Grmeč mountain area, there is also Bobija, one of the largest rainforests in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which covers an area of ​​more than a hundred hectares and contains trees more than 500 years old.