Nowadays, exercising and dealing with sports has become modern. However, proper exercising, in order to improve your health, should not be taken lightly or done on one’s one hook, nor one should start exercising without adequate supervision.
In this regard, we talked with Saudin Mulabdić, a certified PHM (Personal Health Model) specialist. According to him, the term “functional training” means the concept of training that improves basic functions of the person who performs everyday activities in life, as well as more demanding movements in sport.
Deep squats
But first of all, it is necessary to explain what should be trained, as well as why some methods are better than others, and that is why PHM is the right choice if you choose to start exercising, whether you are a recreational player or a professional athlete – he says at the beginning of the conversation.
According to him, before we start doing fitness we need to do diagnostics based on which the corrective part of the training follows, and without that we should not do the rest of the training.
-PHM testing gives a clear picture of the human body’s posture, as well as the control of the core (body centers). When testing, we get basic information such as whether a person has a proper body posture, that is, whether the curvature of the spinal column is correct, whether there is some asymmetry of the body, as well as the position of the pelvis, knees, and whether there is some disturbance or pain when performing given movements, such as the overhead baby squat, which is synonymous with the most functional test in the world – emphasizes Mulabdić.
Why is that, an exercise number one? Mulabdić says that this is precisely because he truly estimates the motor control of the arranged symmetrical human movement and the efficiency of the front and back kinetic curve.
The functional training ground should be a clean movement without any restrictions in the joint muscular system. The basic goal of corrective training is to remove such troubles that are seen during testing, and learn techniques of performing basic movements with their own weight at first – Saudin says.
Third part
According to him, when a person passes the corrective part of the training session and after the poor motor motion patterns are eliminated, the painful syndromes that bring today’s “sedentary lifestyle” (pain of the spinal column, joints …) move to the “third part” and It is an exercise with an external load, that is, weights.
– The PHM model’s key is to learn how to exercise properly, and get your results and make use of your precious time in the right way – emphasizes Mulabdić at the end of the conversation.