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Helena and Jelena, designers of fashion brand LOLA.tees: We were not able to demonstrate our creativity in office work

You must have had some way to get to know their work so far. Or you met on the street a person wearing their t-shirts with witty inscriptions and hashtags, or you’ve seen numerous celebrities dressed in the fashion brand LOLA.tees on social networks.

Behind these creations are lovely young women Helena Bilić and Jelena Džolić from Ljubuški. We talked to them in their studio, the place where everything starts.

Business Expansion

– It all started six years ago when we graduated from college. At that time, we did some office work that lasted for eight hours. We were not for these jobs in terms of the creativity we own and which we had to show in some way. We decided to make the first series of T-shirts to calm our creative spirit. It took us two months and we sold the first collection through Facebook, in an hour – recalls Helena.

Tantalizing and funny inscriptions on T-shirts have gained them a lot of popularity. When asked about their inspiration and ideas for these inscriptions, Helena says that ideas were taken from the environment, songs, films, conversations with friends …

– There is a t-shirt with the inscription: “Evo sve trčim“ (I’m running, yeah right!). Our friend decided to run a marathon and he has never even run two kilometers in his life. It was funny, so we made a shirt and he ran the marathon in it – says Helena.

The business expanded so Jelena and Helena felt the need to expand their assortment. Skirts were next.

– We realised that we can do everything else for our customers who have already recognized the quality of our materials and cuts. Little by little, we started with shirts and festive dresses and we became recognizable by these articles – says Helena.

Their latest collection of evening dresses, launched at the beginning of August, was their biggest jump. They bravely embarked on new ventures, convinced they would succeed.

Their next goal is to open shops where they will sell their creations. For now, they are selling their products in other stores, and in a “traditional” way, via social networks.

Exclusive collections

– We want to open as many shops and spread to the European market where demand is much higher for our products. Now, most of our items are sold to the market of Croatia, then Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Germany and Austria. Of course, our products have reached Canada, Argentina, Australia and other distant countries – says Helena.

She says that their sales are growing every year, and that besides her and Jelena they have two more direct and 15 indirect employees, primarily students.

– We have our sewing place and a factory that works outsourcing. In this factory, we have our own cuts and materials. However, as we started with an exclusive collection and the factory does not handle finer materials, so we will have to do that as well – Jelena added.

The prices of articles from the base collection range from 30 to 200 BAM, while for exclusive clothing items prices are upon request. Their creations were worn by Severina, Lejla Filipović, Ella Dvornik, Marija Šerifović, Hana Hadžiavdagić, but also by other public figures.

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