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Dženad Džino: Prenj Mountain is always beautiful and challenging for photography

Dženad Džino is a well-known name in our country. A professional photographer, mountaineer, adventurer and nature lover delights the public in Bosnia and Herzegovina with his photos and video content every day. Considering that he is from Jablanica, it somehow logically implies that the focus of his work is the Mountain Prenj.

However, it is not the only destination that he likes to visit. Džino goes to all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a desire to immortalize all the beautiful things that this country has. He tells Visit BiH Magazine that he does not lack inspiration, and that it is not difficult to find it in BiH.

Conservation of nature

– I combined three great loves, which are hiking, photography and video making. It is a great pleasure for me to hike, and I present my experience to people with photos and videos. The inspiration is great – he points out.

When asked what is so magical about Mount Prenj, so it is somehow the focus of his work, Džino says that it is a special story.

– That mountain is special for its wilderness, for its typical alpine peaks, and probably the fact that I was born at the foot of Prenj, so that love is perhaps the key factor why I especially love that mountain and pay special attention to it – says Džino with pride.

When is Prenj the most beautiful for photography?

– Prenj is always beautiful and challenging for photography. In winter, when it snows, it is magical. Spring is the period when the snow melts, and its valleys begin to turn green and give an incredible color. Summer is special because Prenj is ideal for night or astro photography, because there is no light pollution and I especially love that period. If I had to single out a certain time and period, then it is the time when the valleys bloom, and that is the very end of spring – he emphasizes.

In addition to promoting the mountains and natural beauty of his homeland, his commitment to nature conservation is visible on his social networks. Considering that in his work he meets many mountaineers and tourists every day, we ask him how much people are aware of the natural beauty that this country has, whether they are sufficiently dedicated to the protection and preservation of nature and whether more can be done to develop ecological awareness.

Children are the future

– I think that mountaineers, first of all, are quite aware, but people in general are not. On our mountains, you will rarely see garbage on a peak, while in the valleys it is often the case. There are unscrupulous hikers, of course, but they are the minority. I think the key to this problem lies in school institutions and work with children. Older generations have a hard time changing, they accept the mistakes and irregularities they make. Children are the future and I know they are watching my photos and videos. It is precisely because of them that it is worth sacrificing and showing them what is right – emphasizes Džino for Visit BiH Magazine.

We were also interested in what his plans are for the next period. He says that he had a jubilee last year and spent quite a bit of time physically with photo exhibitions in the country and abroad.

– Therefore, for this year, I decided to take a little break in the field of exhibitions, to be a little more active in the field of video content and creating new photos. The plan is to visit and explore new mountains, valleys and peaks, and of course accompany all this through video and photography – he points out at the end of the conversation.