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Asmir Begovic launching his own fashion brand

Asmir Begovic, glorious goalkeeper of BH football team and the English Chelsea, works on launching his fashion brand, but more details should be known in July. Surely, just the name Begović promises popularity of clothing items from his own workshop. Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese footballer and member of Real Madrid, also has a fashion line of underwear,…

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Lower roaming prices in the region from July 1

At the meeting of regulatory bodies from Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, which was hosted by the Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, measures to be taken in the coming period in order to implement the Agreement on lowering roaming prices in public mobile telecommunications networks have been agreed. From 1st of July this year there…

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German company is building new facilities in Derventa

A mayor of Derventa, Milorad Simić, has signed a contract with German company Webo on the sale of 13,000 square meters of land for construction of business building for Webo Bosnia's daughters company. Company Webo has 12 protected international patents for the production of lamellae for automatic transmission. Logistics center will also be established in Derventa,…

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Haggadah – book which survived Inquisition and three wars

The brightest jewel of our country's rich cultural heritage, which is kept behind the walls of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is certainly a Passover Haggadah, the Jewish illuminated codex, worldwide known as the Sarajevo Haggadah. It was created in the second half of the 14th century in northern Spain, in the area of…

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Sevdalinka tells the story of the most intimate human feeling

For generations they brought joy and sorrow, one would rejoice and grieve with them, and they have experienced variety of interpretations Amira Medunjanin, excellent BH interpreter of sevdalinka, who is often called Bosnian Billie Holliday, is officially on the list of 10 biggest divas of world music. This significant recognition also ranked our traditional urban lyrical…

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Bosnia and Herzegovina has a great potential for fishing tourism

Women have long ago entered almost all sports which were traditionally dominant by men, so today they can be seen in the ring, with boxing gloves, bodybuilding, football... One of the sports where women are underrepresented is fishing. However, one of the few women who are fishing is Anđela Pepić. She says that before moving…

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Young people from Mostar conquer global IT market

Twenty-year-olds from Mostar, gathered around the business park SPARK, dedicate their knowledge, skills, and free time to offer different technical solutions for domestic and foreign markets. According to the words of Nikola Raič, project manager in Pimatico, a startup company in the business park SPARK; Pimatico is designed to help electricians and automation companies in the…

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“Still Crazy” – From university professors to “crazy” rockers

Eleven years ago, friends and work colleagues - Asim Mujkić, Saša Leskovac and Haris Cerić sailed in the musical waters, and thus became the only band in Bosnia and Herzegovina whose members are professors. They named their musical rhythm club “Still Crazy” after the the eponymous British comedy about aging rockers, and they transfer this "madness"…

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Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Ismar Šmigalović
Redakcija: Merima Čustović, Amela Sijerčić
DTP: Vildana Sofić
Telefon: +387 33 944 379
Marketing: +387 33 944 206; +387 33 944 207

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