Skenderija Center is a symbol of the city of Sarajevo and since its establishment in 1969, it provides the services of organizing national and international fairs. With its activities, it contributes to the development of business and modernization of existing economic capacities in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
By organizing the fair and designed promotional activities, it offers an opportunity to exhibitors, institutions, organizations, chambers, professional associations, financial institutions and potential consumers of products from these areas to present their offer.
In this regard, from 4th to 16th of December this year, the 4th Fair of Economy, Agriculture, Crafts and Consumer Goods will be organized in Skenderija, and more than a hundred exhibitors are expected.
The greatest attention will be paid to the development of the SME sector as a generator of regional and local growth and development, as they engage local and regional infrastructure and employ local workforce.
This primarily refers to the reduction of the unemployment rate, the stimulation of the economic revival of the less developed cantons, the contribution of exports, the promotion of local supply, the increase in local revenues …
The aim of the Fair is to present the latest local and regional technological and creative achievements, and it will be an opportunity to unify several segments of the economic activity in one place.
In addition, organizers want to promote a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship, and encourage mutual cooperation linking small and medium-sized enterprises with large entrepreneurs, as well as regional BH business entities with business people from the environment.